100 Essential Legal English Terms

Legal English

Whether you are a law student, barrister or simply someone who uses legal terminology at work, you will likely find these terms useful. In this post, we will explore 100 essential legal terms that are commonly used in English-speaking legal contexts. Each term will be clearly defined, and we’ll provide notes and examples to help you understand how each term is used in context. From “Acquittal” to “Zoning”, we’ve got you covered. So, whether you’re preparing for a mock trial, reading a legal document, or just curious about legal jargon, this comprehensive list will be a valuable resource. Remember, understanding these terms not only enriches your English vocabulary but also gives you a deeper insight into the legal systems that shape our societies. So, let’s dive in and explore the language of law together!

100 Essential Legal Terms

  1.   Acquittal

    1. Definition: An acquittal is a legal judgment that officially and formally clears a defendant of criminal charges.

    2. Notes: This term is used when a defendant is found not guilty in a court of law.

    3. Example: The jury returned a verdict of acquittal.

  2.   Adjournment

    1. Definition: An adjournment is a pause or a suspension of proceedings; an order of court for the rescheduling of a hearing.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when court proceedings are temporarily postponed.

    3. Example: The judge granted an adjournment until the following week.

  3.   Affidavit

    1. Definition: An affidavit is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a witness cannot attend court.

    3. Example: He made an affidavit, swearing to tell the truth.

  4.   Alibi

    1. Definition: An alibi is a claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a defendant claims to have been somewhere else at the time of the crime.

    3. Example: He had a solid alibi for the night of the murder.

  5.   Bail

    1. Definition: Bail is the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money is lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a defendant is released from custody before their trial.

    3. Example: He was released on bail.

  6.   Barrister

    1. Definition: A barrister is a type of lawyer in common law jurisdictions who is qualified to plead at the bar.

    2. Notes: Barristers represent individuals or organisations in court, question witnesses, negotiate settlements and provide specialist legal advice.

    3. Example: The barrister’s questioning of the witness was intense and thorough.

  7. Bankruptcy

    1. Definition: A legal status for individuals or corporations that cannot repay debts owed to creditors, often resulting in legal proceedings in which assets are liquidated and liabilities are discharged.

    2. Notes: Bankruptcy can provide a fresh start for individuals or corporations, but it also has long-term financial and legal consequences.

    3. Example: The company filed for bankruptcy after accumulating millions in debt.

  8.   Claimant

    1. Definition: A claimant is a person making a claim, especially in a lawsuit or for a government-sponsored benefit.

    2. Notes: It’s often used in civil cases to refer to the party who initiates the lawsuit.

    3. Example: The claimant was seeking damages for the injuries she had suffered.

  9.   Contempt of Court

    1. Definition: Contempt of Court is the offence of being disobedient to or disrespectful towards a court of law and its officers.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when someone disrupts a court proceeding or disrespects the judge.

    3. Example: He was held in contempt of court for his outburst.

  10. Contract

    1. Definition: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.

    2. Notes: Contracts are fundamental to many business transactions.

    3. Example: She signed a contract agreeing to the terms of the job.

  11.   Damages

    1. Definition: Damages are a sum of money claimed or awarded in compensation for a loss or an injury.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the money that a court orders to be paid to a person as compensation for harm or loss.

  12.   Defendant

    1. Definition: A defendant is an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the person who is accused in a court case.

    3. Example: The defendant pleaded not guilty.

  13.   Evidence

    1. Definition: Evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the information that is presented in court to support the case of one side or the other.

    3. Example: The prosecution presented compelling evidence against the defendant.

  14.   Extradition

    1. Definition: Extradition is the act of extraditing a person accused or convicted of a crime.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a person is transferred from one jurisdiction to another where they will face criminal charges.

    3. Example: The government approved the extradition of the fugitive.

  15.   Felony

    1. Definition: A felony is a serious crime that carries a punishment of more than one year of imprisonment.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to serious crimes such as murder, rape, or burglary.

    3. Example: He was charged with a felony for his involvement in the armed robbery.

  16.   Guilty

    1. Definition: Guilty means having committed an offence or crime.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a person or entity is found to have committed a crime.

    3. Example: He was found guilty of theft.

  17.   Habeas Corpus

    1. Definition: Habeas Corpus is a writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court.

    2. Notes: It’s often used to ensure that a person’s imprisonment or detention is not unlawful.

    3. Example: His lawyer filed a writ of habeas corpus.

  18.   Indictment

    1. Definition: An indictment is a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a grand jury charges someone with a crime.

    3. Example: The grand jury returned an indictment against him.

  19.   Injunction

    1. Definition: An injunction is a judicial order restraining a person from beginning or continuing an action threatening or invading the legal right of another.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a court orders someone to do or not to do something.

    3. Example: The court issued an injunction to prevent the publication of the book.

  20.   Jurisdiction

    1. Definition: Jurisdiction is the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the geographical area to which such authority applies.

    3. Example: The British courts have jurisdiction over this matter.

  21.   Juror

    1. Definition: A juror is a member of a jury.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the individuals who are selected to decide a verdict in a trial.
      Example: The juror listened carefully to the evidence.

  22.   Kidnapping

    1. Definition: Kidnapping is the unlawful transportation, asportation and confinement of a person against their will.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a person is taken against their will.

    3. Example: He was charged with kidnapping.

  23.   Liability

    1. Definition: Liability refers to the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the legal responsibility for one’s acts or omissions.

    3. Example: The company has liability for the damage caused by its products.

  24.   Litigation

    1. Definition: Litigation is the process of taking legal action.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the process of suing someone, or trying to resolve a dispute in a court of law.

    3. Example: The company is involved in a litigation over copyright infringement.

  25.   Misdemeanour

    1. Definition: A misdemeanour is a minor wrongdoing.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to less serious crimes that are punishable by a fine or a short term of imprisonment.

    3. Example: He was charged with a misdemeanour for petty theft.

  26.   Notary

    1. Definition: A notary is a person authorised to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to a person who can witness and authenticate documents, administer oaths, etc.

    3. Example: The contract was notarized to ensure its legality.

  27.   Objection

    1. Definition: An objection is a statement or protest over something one thinks is wrong or unfair.

    2. Notes: It’s often used in court proceedings when one side disagrees with something that is being said or done.

    3. Example: The lawyer made an objection to the witness’s testimony.

  28.   Plaintiff

    1. Definition: A plaintiff is a person who brings a case against another in a court of law.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the person who initiates a lawsuit.

    3. Example: The plaintiff is seeking damages for personal injury.

  29.   Plea

    1. Definition: A plea is a formal statement by or on behalf of a defendant or prisoner, stating guilt or innocence in response to a charge, offering an allegation of fact, or claiming that a point of law should apply.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a defendant responds to a charge in court.

    3. Example: He entered a plea of not guilty.

  30.   Quash

    1. Definition: To quash something means to reject or void, especially by legal procedure.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a court agrees to set aside or annul an earlier judgement or order.

    3. Example: The judge quashed the conviction.

  31.   Rebuttal

    1. Definition: A rebuttal is a refutation or contradiction.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the act of presenting evidence or argument that refutes or contradicts.

    3. Example: The defence lawyer made a strong rebuttal to the prosecutor’s allegations.

  32.   Retrial

    1. Definition: A retrial is a new trial of a case in a court of law.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when a case is tried again due to some kind of error in the original trial.

    3. Example: The defendant was granted a retrial.

  33.   Solicitor

    1. Definition: A solicitor is a member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters.

    2. Notes: In the UK, a solicitor is also qualified to instruct barristers and represent clients in some courts.

    3. Example: She hired a solicitor to handle her divorce.

  34.   Statute

    1. Definition: A statute is a written law passed by a legislative body.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to laws that have been formally written and enacted.

    3. Example: The statute prohibits discrimination based on race.

  35.   Tort

    1. Definition: A tort is a wrongful act or an infringement of a right leading to civil legal liability.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to a civil wrong that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm.

    3. Example: He is suing for tort for the damage caused by the defendant.

  36.   Unlawful

    1. Definition: Unlawful means not conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to actions that are illegal or not permitted by law.

    3. Example: The court ruled that the police search was unlawful.

  37.   Verdict

    1. Definition: A verdict is a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the final decision made by a jury in a court case.

    3. Example: The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

  38.   Warrant

    1. Definition: A warrant is a document issued by a legal or government official authorising the police or another body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when law enforcement needs permission to arrest someone or search their property.

    3. Example: The police had a warrant for his arrest.

  39.   Xerox

    1. Definition: Xerox is a term often used in a legal context to refer to the act of copying documents.

    2. Notes: Although it’s technically a brand name, it’s often used as a verb meaning to photocopy.

    3. Example: Please xerox these documents for the court.

  40.   Youth Court

    1. Definition: Youth Court is a type of court which deals with young people who have been accused of crimes.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the court system that handles cases involving minors.

    3. Example: He was sent to Youth Court due to his age.

  41.   Zoning

    1. Definition: Zoning refers to municipal or local government laws that dictate how real property can and cannot be used in certain areas.

    2. Notes: It’s often used when referring to the division of specific areas of land by local governments.

    3. Example: The zoning laws prohibited the construction of a commercial building in the residential area.

  42. Negligence

    1. Definition: Failure to take proper care in doing something, which results in damage or injury to another.

    2. Notes: Negligence is often the basis for personal injury lawsuits.

    3. Example: The doctor’s negligence resulted in harm to the patient.

  43. Perjury

    1. Definition: The offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation.

    2. Notes: Perjury can result in serious penalties, including imprisonment.

    3. Example: The witness was charged with perjury after lying on the stand.

  44. Plaintiff

    1. Definition: A person who brings a case against another in a court of law.

    2. Notes: The plaintiff is the party who initiates a lawsuit before a court.

    3. Example: The plaintiff filed a lawsuit seeking damages for personal injury.

  45. Power of Attorney

    1. Definition: A legal document giving one person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) the power to act for another person (the principal).

    2. Notes: The agent can have broad legal authority or limited authority to make legal decisions about the principal’s property and finance.

    3. Example: The elderly man granted power of attorney to his daughter.

  46. Probate

    1. Definition: The legal process wherein the estate of a decedent is administered.

    2. Notes: This involves gathering the assets of a deceased person, paying the person’s debts, and distributing the remaining assets.

    3. Example: The will went into probate before the assets could be distributed.

  47. Slander

    1. Definition: The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.

    2. Notes: Slander is a form of defamation that is spoken, rather than written.

    3. Example: He sued his former colleague for slander.

  48. Unconstitutional

    1. Definition: Not in accordance with a political constitution, especially the US Constitution, or with procedural rules.

    2. Notes: Laws, regulations, and government actions can all be found unconstitutional if they violate some provision of the constitution.

    3. Example: The law was challenged on the grounds that it was unconstitutional.

  49. Sovereignty

    1. Definition: The full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies.

    2. Notes: In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme legitimate authority over some polity.

    3. Example: The country’s sovereignty was threatened by the invading forces.

  50. Diplomatic Immunity

    1. Definition: A principle of international law that provides foreign diplomats with protection from legal action in the country in which they work.

    2. Notes: This immunity can be waived by the diplomat’s home country, and the diplomat can be prosecuted for certain crimes.

    3. Example: The ambassador was protected under diplomatic immunity.

  51. Sanctions

    1. Definition: Measures taken by countries to coerce another to conform to an international agreement or norms of conduct.

    2. Notes: Sanctions are often used as a tool of foreign policy.

    3. Example: The United Nations imposed sanctions on the rogue nation.

  52. Extradition Treaty

    1. Definition: An agreement between two countries to return a person accused or convicted of a crime to the country where the crime was committed.

    2. Notes: Extradition treaties are often bilateral, though multilateral treaties are also in place.

    3. Example: Under the extradition treaty, the fugitive was returned to the country where he was charged.

  53. Geneva Conventions

    1. Definition: A series of international treaties concluded in Geneva between 1864 and 1949 for the purpose of ameliorating the effects of war on soldiers and civilians.

    2. Example: The treatment of prisoners of war is governed by the Geneva Conventions.

  54. International Court of Justice (ICJ)

    1. Definition: The primary judicial branch of the United Nations, tasked with settling legal disputes submitted by states in accordance with international law.

    2. Notes: It’s also known as the World Court and it adjudicates cases between countries.

    3. Example: The International Court of Justice ruled on the territorial dispute between the two countries.

  55. War Crimes

    1. Definition: Serious violations of the laws or customs of war which include intentionally killing civilians or prisoners, torturing, destroying civilian property, taking hostages, performing a perfidy, raping, using child soldiers, pillaging, declaring that no quarter will be given, and using weapons that cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering.

    2. Notes: War crimes are often prosecuted internationally.

    3. Example: The former dictator was put on trial for war crimes.

  56. Human Rights

    1. Definition: Fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.

    2. Notes: Human rights are often protected and enforced by international law.

    3. Example: The United Nations Human Rights Council works to protect human rights worldwide.

  57. Appeal

    1. Definition: Apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.

    2. Notes: An appeal is often sought if a party is dissatisfied with the judgment of a court.

    3. Example: The defendant decided to appeal the verdict.

  58. Capital Punishment

    1. Definition: The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.

    2. Notes: Capital punishment is used in some jurisdictions but is a subject of widespread debate and controversy.

    3. Example: Some countries still practice capital punishment for serious crimes.

  59. Case

    1. Definition: A legal action to be decided in a court of law.

    2. Notes: A case can involve individuals or groups on both sides.

    3. Example: The lawyer was preparing for a big case.

  60. Convict

    1. Definition: Declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.

    2. Notes: A convict is a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court.

    3. Example: The jury voted to convict the defendant.

  61. Civil Law

    1. Definition: The system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs.

    2. Notes: Civil law can deal with contracts, torts, and family law among others.

    3. Example: He specializes in civil law, particularly family law.

  62. Fine

    1. Definition: A sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority.

    2. Notes: A fine is a common penalty for minor offences.

    3. Example: She had to pay a fine for parking in a no-parking zone.

  63. Innocent

    1. Definition: Not guilty of a crime or offence.

    2. Notes: Innocence is presumed until guilt is proven in a court of law.

    3. Example: Despite the accusations, he was innocent of the charges.

  64. Judge

    1. Definition: A public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law.

    2. Notes: Judges can preside over cases alone or as a part of a panel of judges.

    3. Example: The judge ruled in favour of the plaintiff.

  65. Jury

    1. Definition: A body of people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.

    2. Notes: Juries are typically used in criminal cases to determine guilt or innocence.

    3. Example: The jury found the defendant guilty.

  66. Parole

    1. Definition: The release of a prisoner temporarily or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior.

    2. Notes: Parolees are often subject to conditions and can be returned to prison if they violate those conditions.

    3. Example: After serving ten years, he was released on parole.

  67. Prosecutor

    1. Definition: A legal representative of the prosecution in countries with either the common law adversarial system or the civil law inquisitorial system.

    2. Notes: The prosecutor’s duty is to seek justice, not merely to convict.

    3. Example: The prosecutor presented the case against the defendant.

  68. Take the Stand

    1. Definition: To sit in the witness box in a court in order to answer questions about a case.

    2. Notes: When a person “takes the stand”, they will be asked questions by both the defence and prosecution.

    3. Example: The defendant decided to take the stand in his own defence.

  69. Testify

    1. Definition: Give evidence as a witness in a law court.

    2. Notes: Testimony is subject to the laws of perjury.

    3. Example: She was called to testify at the trial.

  70. Witness

    1. Definition: A person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.

    2. Notes: Witnesses are often called to testify in court about what they have seen.

    3. Example: There were two witnesses to the accident.

  71. Fraud

    1. Definition: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

    2. Notes: Fraud is a crime and a civil law violation, often involving complex financial transactions conducted by white collar professionals.

    3. Example: He was found guilty of fraud.

  72. Forgery

    1. Definition: The action of forging a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.

    2. Notes: Forgery is a form of fraud, and is often a key component in the commission of crimes such as identity theft.

    3. Example: The painting was a forgery.

  73. Perjury

    1. Definition: The offence of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation.

    2. Notes: Perjury can result in serious penalties, including imprisonment.

    3. Example: The witness was charged with perjury after lying on the stand.

  74. Shoplifting

    1. Definition: The action of stealing goods from a store while pretending to be a customer.

    2. Notes: Shoplifting is a common crime and can result in both criminal and civil penalties.

    3. Example: The teenager was caught shoplifting.

  75. Trespass

    1. Definition: Enter the owner’s land or property without permission.

    2. Notes: Trespass involves unlawfully entering someone else’s property with the intent to commit an unlawful act.

    3. Example: The man was arrested for trespass.

  76. Vandalism

    1. Definition: Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.

    2. Notes: Vandalism is a crime that can result in criminal charges and penalties.

    3. Example: The park was a frequent target of vandalism.

  77. Null and Void

    1. Definition: Having no legal or binding force; invalid.

    2. Notes: The term “null and void” refers to contracts, decisions, rulings, etc.

    3. Example: The contract was declared null and void.

  78. Hereinafter

    1. Definition: In the following part of this document or statement.

    2. Notes: “Hereinafter” is often used in legal documents to refer to the subject matter of the document in subsequent sections.

    3. Example: The party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”…

  79. Default

    1. Definition: Failure to fulfil an obligation, especially to repay a loan or appear in a court of law.

    2. Notes: It refers to the scenario when a party is not meeting its obligations under a contract.

    3. Example: He was in default on his car loan payments.

  80. Article

    1. Definition: A particular item or object, typically one of a specified type.

    2. Notes: In legal terms, it often refers to a separate clause or provision of a legal document or agreement.

  81. Agreement

    1. Definition: A negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.

    2. Notes: Agreements can cover a variety of topics, including sales, leases, employment, and more.

    3. Example: They entered into a lease agreement for the property.

  82. Proprietor

    1. Definition: The owner of a business, or a holder of property.

    2. Notes: This term is often used in the context of sole proprietorship.

    3. Example: As the proprietor of the store, she makes all final decisions.

  83. Lease

    1. Definition: A contract by which one party conveys land, property, services, etc. to another for a specified time, usually in return for a periodic payment.

    2. Notes: Leases are commonly used in real estate to rent property.

    3. Example: He signed a lease for the apartment.

  84. DUI or DWI

    1. Definition: Driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated/impaired (DWI) is the crime of driving a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, including those prescribed by physicians.

    2. Notes: It’s a serious crime and can result in heavy fines, license suspension, and jail time.

    3. Example: He was arrested for DUI after failing the breathalyzer test.

  85. Subpoena

    1. Definition: A writ ordering a person to attend a court.

    2. Notes: A subpoena can command a person to testify or produce documents or other evidence.

    3. Example: She received a subpoena to testify in court.

  86. Solicitor

    1. Definition: A member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters. A solicitor may also instruct barristers and represent clients in some courts.

    2. Notes: In the UK, a solicitor is a lawyer who provides legal advice to clients in one or more areas of law.

    3. Example: He hired a solicitor to handle his divorce.

  87. Deposition

    1. Definition: The process of giving sworn evidence.

    2. Notes: It’s often used in the discovery phase of a lawsuit where witnesses give their testimony under oath.

    3. Example: His deposition was taken down by a court reporter.

  88. Defendant

    1. Definition: An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.

    2. Notes: The defendant is the party who is accused in a court case.

    3. Example: The defendant pleaded not guilty.

  89. NDA

    1. Definition: A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish to restrict access to.

    2. Notes: It’s often used in business to protect proprietary information.

    3. Example: Before starting the project, he had to sign an NDA.

  90. Courtroom

    1. Definition: A room in which a law court sits.

    2. Notes: Courtrooms are where trials and other legal proceedings occur.

    3. Example: The judge entered the courtroom to start the proceedings.

  91. Chattels

    1. Definition: Personal possessions.

    2. Notes: In law, it refers to property that is movable, as opposed to real estate or real property.

    3. Example: He sold all his chattels to pay off his debts.

  92. Quango

    1. Definition: A semi-public administrative body outside the civil service but receiving financial support from the government, which makes senior appointments to it.

    2. Notes: The term stands for “quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization”.

    3. Example: The environmental agency is a quango that regulates pollution.

  93. Pro Bono

    1. Definition: Denoting work undertaken without charge, especially legal work for a client with a low income.

    2. Notes: The term comes from Latin “pro bono publico” meaning “for the public good”.

    3. Example: The lawyer took on the case pro bono.

  94. Escheat

    1. Definition: The reversion of property to the state, or (in feudal law) to a lord, on the owner’s dying without legal heirs.

    2. Notes: In modern law, it’s often used when a person dies intestate and without heirs.

    3. Example: The property escheated to the state after he died without a will.

  95. Court of Appeal

    1. Definition: A court to which appeals are taken in a federal circuit or a state.

    2. Notes: It’s often an intermediate appellate court that hears appeals from lower courts.

    3. Example: He decided to take his case to the Court of Appeal.

  96. High Court

    1. Definition: A court of law where important cases are heard.

    2. Notes: In some jurisdictions, the High Court is the highest court (e.g., in Australia). In others, it is an intermediate appellate court (e.g., in England and Wales).

    3. Example: The case was heard in the High Court.

  97. Inns of Court

    1. Definition: Any of the four legal societies in London that have the exclusive right of admission to the bar.

    2. Notes: These include the Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln’s Inn, and Gray’s Inn.

    3. Example: He was a member of the Inner Temple, one of the Inns of Court.

  98. Lien

    1. Definition: A right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.

    2. Notes: Liens are often used in construction and real estate to secure payment.

    3. Example: The bank had a lien on the car until the loan was fully paid

  99. Writ 

    1.    Definition: A form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in a particular way.

    2.    Notes: The term “writ” is used to describe a wide variety of court orders and commands.

    3.    Example: The judge issued a writ compelling the witness to appear in court.

  100. Xenophobia

    1. Definition: Dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

    2. Notes: Xenophobia can manifest itself in many ways involving the relations and perceptions of an ingroup towards an outgroup.

    3. Example: The lawyer argued that his client was a victim of xenophobia.


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